Super Deals from Royal Brunei Airlines

Do you dream of visiting Australasia or Europe? Wait no more. Royal Brunei Airlines offers to fly you to destinations like Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Auckland, London, and Frankfurt for rates ranging from USD 400 to USD 530 (exclusive of taxes and fuel surcharges) for Australasia and for USD 650 for Europe.

Rebate at Caltex (3%) with any HSBC Credit Card

Do you have an HSBC credit card? If you do, make sure that you use it for your Caltex purchases from now till December 31, 2006.

All HSBC cardholders get a 3% rebate on all purchases at Caltex. You can also earn free Miles.

Cebu Pacific Now Also Flies to Bangkok, Thailand

Get ready to fly to the land of Tom Yam and the Grand Palace. Cebu Pacific will start flying to Bangkok, Thailand beginning December 14, 2006.

Flights leave Manila for Bangkok at 2245 on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. From Bangkok, fly back to Manila at 0135 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Subscribe to the Philippine Daily Inquirer

If I were to read only one newspaper, it would probably be the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Sure, it can be sensational at times, but it does have interesting stories. Plus, it has my favorite columnist, Conrado de Quiros.

BPI Jumpstart Savings for Teens and Pre-Teens

It is often said that when you start saving is more important than how much you save. The power of compound interest does the trick. Wouldn’t it be great then if you can teach your children to save as early as possible? If they can learn to handle their money while they are still young?

Cebu Pacific Now Flies to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Cebu Pacific now adds Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to its numerous destinations. Till today, you can book for your flight from November 30, 2006 till January 31, 2007 for only P1,499 ++.

BPI Family Savings Bank’s Get Started Savings Account

We all want to make sure that we adequately provide for our needs and for our families. We do this by saving regularly and by making wise investments.

Strategic Marketing by Guthrie Jensen

Guthrie Jensen will be holding a Strategic Marketing Seminar from October 24-26, 2006 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Makati, Philippines. Learn all about segmenting your market, identifying your target or prospective customers, and positioning your product or brand.

PSBank’s Passbook Savings

Have you noticed the new PSBank print ads where they promote the new PSBank Passbook? The passbook now comes with an expanded Notes column where the depositor can write down details of where he or she earned or spent the money.

HSBC’s AutoSaver

HSBC’s ad in the Philippine newspapers is quite striking. There’s a photo of a guy and a jeepney, with the guy wearing a hat and tons of jewelry. The tagline of the ad is: “Some people need saving.”

Do you find it difficult to set aside a particular amount of your earnings for your savings? Do you find yourself spending needlessly? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you may want to consider starting an HSBC AutoSaver account.