Power Memory Courses

Having a good memory is very helpful. It can spell the difference between mediocre, average and outstanding performance at home, in school, at work. It can help in networking, particularly when we remember names and faces and recall facts about particular individuals.

Philippine Airlines Learning Center Courses

Do you wish to work in the airline business? Then you might as well learn from one of the leading players in the Philippines today, the Philippine Airlines Learning Center.

Josiah Go’s Marketing and Sales Seminars

Are you looking for seminars on Marketing Strategies and Plans? Seminars on Managing Sales Through Distributors? You may want to consider the executive education training courses provided by Josiah Go’s Mansmith and Fielders, Inc. These training courses include actual marketing cases, Philippine-based examples, and will allow you to consult with Josiah Go, a well-known Filipino marketing guru and published author.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Seminar

Do you wish to find out about how to be a more effective leader? Here is a seminar that will tackle leadership principles, the tasks expected of a leader, and how to apply the laws of leadership.

Strategic Marketing by Guthrie Jensen

Guthrie Jensen will be holding a Strategic Marketing Seminar from October 24-26, 2006 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Makati, Philippines. Learn all about segmenting your market, identifying your target or prospective customers, and positioning your product or brand.

DBC Interdisciplinary Studies for Arts and Sciences

Do you want to expose your kids to music, visual arts, and dance? Do you want to ensure that they develop whatever innate talents they may have? You may then want to check out this school: Developing Basics for Children – Interdisciplinary Studies for Arts and Sciences. They are located at 30 Balimbing St. Valle Verde 1, Pasig Metro Manila. You may call them at 671-26-16 or at 671-2630.